Starting Small | May 4 

What’s your small business’ game plan?

The market has changed and so have the needs of Canadians. As a small business, you have firsthand experience as to how the market changed dramatically over the past year. Whether you quickly transitioned online, modified your marketing strategy or shifted your delivery model; you had to adapt your business. Now what?

Discover tips, resources and solutions to help your brick & mortar, e-commerce, or multi-channel business survive and thrive in the evolving market. You’ll learn how to make your marketing work for you, take your online store to new heights and ship with confidence to meet your customers’ expectations. You will hear from Canada Post and our industry partners on how you can achieve success by creating the right marketing mix, optimizing your online business, and delivering every time.

Join us and learn how to build, adapt, and grow your business from end-to-end, helping you set your small business up for success.

We’re thinking small so you can think big!